Would you like to make difference in people’s lives? Are you hungry to accelerate your career development? We have a big stage for you to excel!
With 15 years of history and experience in the field, we are a rapid-growing hospital group specializing in assisted reproductive technology in China. Currently we have 4 IVF centers located in Tianjin, Kunming, Zhanjiang, and Jieyang, China. We expect to continuously grow and expand nationwide. We have a team of passionate and dedicated professionals from medical, scientific, legal, financial, and marketing background whose sole purpose is to build a sustainable industry where affordable care is delivered to all patients in need with high success rate and excellent medical services.
We can offer you a stimulating environment in a dynamic and growing organization. Our positions provide professional growth opportunities and a competitive salary and benefits package.
If you have the skills and you’d like to apply for a position, please email your cover letter and resume to: luopengqin@ivfchina.net
China IVF is an equal opportunity employer.